Maxi Rack and Trixie Suede
Secret Agent Wrist Device - $5
As seen in "Chronos"
Friday and Saturday, January 25 & 26, 2002
Underwater Comedy Camera
- $635
As seen in the "Oh!" show
Saturday, August 25, 2001

Spooktacles - $8
Watch the spooks come to life!
As seen aboard the Queen Mary during the
ClickZ MessageMedia Email Excellence Awards.
November, 2000
Slightly Used Leaf Blower
- $59
As seen in the "Guy Fawkes Day Show"
Saturday, November 4, 2000
The Bug Theatre - Denver
Kidnapping Kit - $19
As seen in the "2nd Anniversary Show"
Sunday, October 15, 2000
The Avenue Theatre - Denver
Gift set from author Teresa McKeller
"The Real Cart Girl"
Set includes Ms. McKeller's children's book
based on her childhood,
plus an autographed photo.
Complete Set - $139
As told in the "In The Raw 3" show
Friday, September 22, 2000
The Subterranean Theatre - Boulder


Dr. Attenborough's
Tree Food - $17
(3lbs. bag)
As seen in the "To Go" show
Saturday, August 19, 2000
Magic Unbreakable Nest Eggs - $14
(Set of three)
As seen in the "Trilogy" show
Saturday, July 15, 2000
The Avenue Theatre - Denver
Death Puke T-shirt - $10
L or XL
As seen in the "HIGH" show
March 25, 2000
The Bug Theatre - Denver
Silver Bologna Bras - $45
S, M or L
As seen in the "A Festival for the Senses" show
May 19 & 20 - 26 & 27, 2000
BMOCA Theatre - Boulder

Adjustable Wooden Tie - $27
S, M or L
As seen in the "Father's Day Show"
June 18th, 2000
Bovine Metropolis Theatre - Denver
A.C.E. Logo Shirt - $10
L or XL

Nations Micro Poster - $1 |
A.C.E. Logo Tattoo -
$1 |
A.C.E. Gift Certificates - $15
Good for show tickets and all A.C.E.