One their way to the show the audience had a moment to propose a perplexing question to The Amazing Oracle for only a quarter a pop. Although the Oracle is capable of answering any question, most were about the Broncos.
The infamous dance sequence that
opens nearly every A.C.E. show.
The Canadian assumes the standard
"Troll Pose."
Couch-time was so popular A.C.E. is
considering making it a standard
feature of their television show.
Although finding a set designer that
can truly capture that yard-sale look
will be challenging.
Always believing that simpler is
better, A.C.E. demonstrates the
humor of sheet folding.
Jamie Krutz, the A.C.E. Orchestra
performs an original tune that got
such a great response that A.C.E.
had to ask him to not be quite so
talented when performing with them.