
A.C.E. enjoyed the pleasures of The Big Island of Hawaii March 30 - April 6 at the Hapuna Prince Beach Resort on the Kona coast.

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "Hawaii"? That's right - Cowboys! and a combination Ho-down / Luau...a Lu-down?...a Ho-au?...A.C.E just called it "fun."

Barbara "What can't she do" Gehring
nails it on the first try.

Like all real cowboys, Matthew
consumes his rope knowing it's
a much better source of fiber than
a cow.

Having little success with conventional
roping methods, Linda tries
 beating the steer into submission.
She was later seen with a fist full of 
straw muttering to herself.
<--After catching the captain of
the Red Sail catamaran drinking
behind the wheel, The Englishman
managed to commandeer the
vessel, averting disaster and
more importantly
extending wet bar privileges to all.-->

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tail.
A tail of a fateful raft.
Constructed on this tropic beach,
Where its crew had fun and laughed.

A.C.E. and friends from Hunter Douglas
took part in a boat building
contest. The crafts were graded on
stability, aesthetics and
sea worthiness.
The teams had only an hour... 

15 minutes into the competition the
men of team Lucitor make manly
decisions of engineering and
45 minutes into the competition the
men of team Lucitor are still
making manly decisions of
engineering and design.
The maiden voyage of the
feared Lucitor.
 (Lucitor, as we discovered
(or made-up) is a long forgotten god
of the sea, born of a lonely island
girl and the sun.)
The Canadian shows off the
more feminine touches of the
Trying for extra points for Amenities,
the A.C.E. team employs a full-time
raft attendant.

A.C.E. performs the Hunter Douglas
show for the fifth time, now more than
half way thru their adventure. 


Having completed the work portion of their week in Hawaii, A.C.E. finds a variety of ways to fill the remaining time.
Before actually learning how to
play the ancient stone game,
Linda manages to win 12 to Q.
Barbara developed a new form
of martial art called Hula-Fu. After
studying it for only a week, she is
already a Papaya Belt.
A.C.E. nearly looses The
Englishman to a lava flow at
Volcanoes National Park.
Fortunately, this particular flow is
about 30 years old...so he suffered
only minor injuries...actually none.
Most people don't know that a large
portion of the Big Island is actually
on the moon.

The American and the Canadian
concentrate to execute to meticulous
moves of the little known 
Coconut Dance from the Island of
Paul, tech-master extraordinaire,
gets the A.C.E. chat room up
and going during the Aloha Show,
A.C.E.'s first internet based show.

Mmmmm...it's Poi-o-licious!
Aloha from the Cocktail Lanai, and Mahalo for stopping by.