
A.C.E. spent three days, March 24 - 28, at the glorious and palatial Excelsior Hotel in the overwhelmingly beautiful city of Rome, Italy. (Please Note: The Excelsior Hotel-Rome has no affiliation with the Excellisor Motor Inn of Rome, South Dakota.)

On the way to Rome, some discoveries were made...

If you feign ineptness in fastening
your seat belt, someone just might
take it seriously.

Despite the expression, Ron Spies
really does feel more at easy
flying next to a nun.

Matthew's head is the same shape
as a standard airplane window.
Linda Klein is not always the sweet thing she pretends to be.
The third most common cause of neck injuries in Rome.

A.C.E. practices for their
next "To Go Show" in St. Peter's
Square...which is actually round.

The American rethinks the interior
decorating choices she's made
back home.

On a whim, Matthew competes
in the Rome Marathon.  (His results
were inconclusive.)

Due to their perky attitudes and
love of cookies, A.C.E. is the
first comedy troupe to be invited
to join the Italian Girl Scouts.

The always concerned Canadian,
tries her best to keep Matthew
upright at all times.

The Coliseum's long history
of bloodshed, brings out the
gladiator in everyone.

Three coins for luck!

The quantity of sub-tassels on your 
tassel has a direct correlation to 
the number stars your hotel has.

"And we thank you for choosing
Unintelligible Tours Company, we
hope to have you again wen plyr
anoups ermhit, eh..."